Thursday, April 1, 2010

DD = Doubly Drab

1. Forget button-down shirts. They won't work. You might, might have one or two that pass, but that's about it.

2. Forget about finding cute bras in all colors. Look forward to a drawer full of whites, beiges, and blacks. Oh, wait. When you're a DD, black is an exciting color! Who needs pink? Or stripes? Or patterns at all?

3. Forget about finding the right size at the store. You might find one. Maybe two. Most likely, though, you'll have to order them.

Can you tell what I had so much fun shopping for yesterday? Yay.


  1. They are Doubly Delightful.

  2. I hate shopping for bras, and I am kinda the opposite. I actually found a bra made by Playtex which they call half sizes, because sometimes you're not fully the size that they assume you are. So, I am like between an "A" and a "B", so I got one and I LOVE IT! It fits SO well, plus no underwire, which means pure comfort. I wish you better success!

  3. Good luck in your search! I have been putting off that shopping trip for some time. Finding a sports bra to wear to the gym is equally frustrating!! Funny...lots of 32 A sports they really need them??

  4. Are you also in the dressing room sighing loudly, occasionally say a choice word and then just giving up and leaving ( usually in tears!) and decide that you can indeed just continue wearing the bra that no longer holds them up and covering it over with a NKOTB or U2 tshirt?

    HATE BRA SHOPPING! ( and jean shopping, and shirt shopping!)

  5. can i just say i think Gerry's comment is hilarious.

  6. Sensitive topic - I had to break down and do some shopping like this a few weeks ago. It was way to depressing to look in the fitting room mirror. But yet it's too easy to have another Hershey bar.

    And I realize I really need to drop the weight - not to fit into a smaller size of anything - but just to be more healthy.

    Thanks for giving voice to a chore!
