Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child.

For a long time, I have been trying to deny what I already know to be true in my heart. And, to say the least, it's devastating. There have been many times in the past where I have felt unloved, betrayed, or abused at the hands of my mom. Yesterday's revelation, though, has hammered in some sort of final nail and has shown me just how selfish, cruel, and heartless someone can be when they are loaded with bitterness and refuse to turn to the Lord.

I heard Three Dog Night's "Easy to Be Hard" this morning while driving home from work. It's pretty sad to immediately associate some of the lyrics with my mom.

It's also pretty sad to feel like this:

What can I do but cast my cares upon Him (I Peter 5:7)? Nothing. I thank God I'm not alone, even when I feel that I am. Maybe I really am a motherless child in a figurative way.


  1. Nathalie, I'm sorry you're feeling that way.

    Thankfully we have a Heavenly FATHER who loves us when it feels like no one else does, who forgives us when we feel beyond forgiveness and REDEEMS US with His love, His mercy and His grace.

  2. Can we talk Nathalie?

    Bobby Dean
